Liz Haughton of Naturally Speaking, LLC was much like many first time entreprenuers when she first came to us; hesitant and unsure of what lay ahead. It took some convincing to help her see the possibilities of her talent at first but, since then, she’s become unstopable. Not only is she literally taking things into her own hands, but she’s having so much fun with the world at her fingertips.
In an instant, the click of her camera could lead her to a mountain top, or down to the base of a waterfall. Where ever she goes, she leaves with a new perspective and some of the best proof of the adventures she had. I was able to share in a bit of the excitement in order to film the above video and, one of the absolute coolest was our trip to the Lakota Wolf Reserve.
One of my favorite images actually made it into Liz's newest adventure, the 2013 Naturally Speaking Photo Calendar. It's for the month of November (the best time for family feuds and food fights), and utilizes a quote from Jane Howard, "Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one." Fitting, don't you think? You can check it out and find the link to the Naturally Speaking website below.