Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paying It Forward - Naturally Speaking

Have you ever had a promising hobby or talent that developed into a passion? Were you ever so lucky to have that passion manifest into a money making situation/a business/a career? Well, that's how OOPS came into fruition (give or take a few details). So when I see the same thing happening for someone else, I can't help but get excited.

Especially if that someone is my mommy [aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww]. 

Yup, she's developed a thing for photography and since she was right there with an oil painting kit when I showed an interest in Bob Ross at the age of 7, it's only right that I support her in the same way now. 

We often toss ideas back and forth about the creative things going on in our lives. One of our talks revealed her thoughts on starting a greeting card line using her photography. She even came up with a name. 

She came up with a name, I came up with a logo.

When she decided to create a blog, I figured she needed a customized background for it. When she kept up with that blog, I decided to do this ...

Business cards using some of her favorite images.

and this ...

A hand crafted book of some of her most successful photoshoots.

Please note that the logo on the front of this book cover doesn't match anything else (it's missing the little humming bird at the end) because I started working on/printing it before mom dukes showed me the picture that changed everything ...

The hummingbird shot. This angle doesn't do it justice though.

This angle doesn't do it justice either. You should probably just buy a print or the book when it's available  ;)

Please note the fact that this is a hard cover book that I wrapped, stitched and bound by hand. I then printed a nice glossy matching jacket with her bio and everything. Yes, I had to make it extra official looking to help inspire her to keep going with it. 

To help inspire her even MORE, I told her that she was going to have to work with me to create her website (coming soon to a browser near you at in order to eventually promote/sell cards, books, calendars, screensavers, wallpapers, gifts, trinkets and things of that nature. I'm only going to take 75% of each sale until all the work I put in is paid off!!! Nice, right? I knooooow. What can I say, she deserves it. 

Love you mommy! Pay It Forward, ok babe?!?!?! Muah!! 

Hmmm, guess I'll post a blog now. I think I'll call it ... "Paying It Forward"

Okay so I'm back. Again. Didn't get the grand prize but still very, Very, VERY happy to be a lot better off than I was before the fine folks at Intuit came my way. They actually have a lot of goodies over there for people like me to help run a business. If you're a business owner that tends to do a lot of business on the go, be sure to check out their GoPayment Credit Card Scanner for your phone. I have one myself and love the reaction I get when someone says "Can I write you a check, I don't have any cash on me." Vuala, problem solved, instantly and easily lol. 

So what's next, you may ask? I've been finding myself in a "Pay It Forward" kind of mood lately. I will continue to work as usual but I want to find a way to sprinkle in some extra goodness by helping out 25 people in need of my services for free oooooooooor a really discounted rate. LoL, I've still got to eat! This all was inspired by Intuit (of course) and two very special projects I had been working on for a few months now (their stories to come in the next 2 blogs). My challenges now are to (1) find 23 more worthy projects to do pro bono and (2) figure out how to explain to those who find out and inquire about said work but don't quite fit the profile I'm looking for. That could be the tricky part. Wish me luck!